Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pictures on the stairs...

The tradition of a picture on the stairs dates back until before I was born.  I’m sure so many of you hold the same tradition and in all the traditions in my life, I don’t think there is a greater one in my book.  It holds such amazing memories, Christmas mornings spent at Wintergreen where we’d be tasked with playing Trivial Pursuit before heading downstairs, or Christmas mornings on Bradford Court where we’d already see friends in the street riding their new bikes and unicycles, and then our own mornings in both our condo (without stairs, sniff!) and then our townhouse where we’ve recreated those magical moments. The anticipation mounting as we all wait to see the gifts under the tree and stockings filled with trinkets and ornaments…the magic of Christmas resides in those few moments of mystery, sitting on the stairs and not knowing what a sneak peak around the corner might reveal…

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