Saturday, January 7, 2012

Santa came...

Dear Adam,

What a good boy you've been this year. You've been very helpful to your mom and dad, picking up your toys when asked, helping to empty the dishwasher, and keeping up with your daily chore of feeding Liddy. I've watched you make new friends at school and I love how well you play with them, taking them on imaginary train rides to visit me at the North Pole-ho ho-I just love those visits! You have been a very good grandson to your Ommy, Poppy, Grandma and Grandpa and I see how their faces light up when you go to visit them. You have been a great big cousin and a good sport at being the younger cousin. When checking my list over, twice, I just couldn't imagine marking you down as anything but nice. So enjoy these presents Adam, you deserve them!

Ho Ho Ho!


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