Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas Eve Festivities...

I can't remember what blog or Facebook post I read this on, but I remember someone wrote that probably their favorite day of the year was Christmas Eve. The anticipation of what's to come, the final preparations being made for the big day, and the traditions, old and new, really do make for one of the most special days of the year. Through Adam's eyes I can see the excitement building and yet I also see that he truly does take in every moment of the holiday season, never really "wishing" away the days just to get to Christmas morning. 

Christmas Eve in our house has always meant wrapping, some last minute shopping, watching "It's a Wonderful Life," opening new Christmas pj's and a new Christmas book, dinner with Andy's family (we had almost all of them this year) reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas," and then waiting for our little buddy to fall asleep so we can start setting up the magic for the next day. 

Isabella brought Reindeer Food to sprinkle on our driveway. So cute! New tradition for sure

Beautiful cake that Bebe brought from same bakery where Heidi's wedding cake & our rehearsal cake came from. Such a treat! 

I'm always a little sad to see Christmas Eve come and go - but knowing what's to come the next day makes it a little easier... 

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