Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Trials & Tribulations of a Bus Rider w/ a New Driver...

Adam had a new bus driver the first week of school...he also had  new bus driver the second week of school thanks to some persistent nagging by me and I'm assuming some of the other parents as well. Long story short - terrible driver who was getting lost, not driving safely, missing bus stops, forgetting to pick kids up, etc. etc. But that's not what this post is about - instead it's about all the fun we had either waiting for the bus to finally arrive or when we took matters into our own hands and decided to walk to school or ride bikes to school - so fun! 

So when we waited we had fun snapping pictures and getting in extra brother time...

Then when we walked we snuck in a pit stop at Starbucks for breakfast...

And when Adam rode his bike he was all smiles because, hello, how cool is it to ride your bike to school!? 

The bus situation has been resolved but we are already looking forward to Walk to School day next week and to trying to ride bikes on Fridays as often as our schedule permits. Fun to have transportation options that don't require a vehicle :) 

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