Friday, January 22, 2016

Kicking off Christmas Vacation!

Growing up there were a handful of school days that I always looked forward to - the first day (yes, I was one of those kids), the last day (duh) and the last day of school before Christmas vacation. Typically that last day before the holidays meant instead of learning you were likely watching Christmas movies (probably they don't do that anymore), you were swapping gifts with friends (Dr. Pepper flavored Lip Smackers anyone?) and you knew you were just hours away from a couple weeks of no school, sleeping in, and of course - Christmas! 

Oh to be a kid again - luckily being the parent of one is a close second and I just loved watching all that excitement in Adam's eyes as he headed off for his last day before break and even better, the joy on his face as he came bounding off the bus at the end of the day! 

The morning started with Al arriving with a gingerbread house for us to assemble. Then I actually got to spend some time with Adam at school as I helped out with their holiday party. Each first grade class hosted a craft in their room and the students moved from room to room completing them all. It's always fun to see Adam with his friends and watch him interact with them. Those kids were little balls of energy, but who could blame them!? 

Olivia rode the bus home with Adam and then we spent the evening decorating gingerbread men and making our house, watching Christmas movies and maybe sneaking some of the candy as well. 

I can't think of a better way to kick off what would be a wonderful Christmas vacation! Let the celebrations begin! 

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