Sunday, March 15, 2020

September Birthday Celebrations...part IV...

Happy 4th birthday to our super hero Harper!! Always a day of extreme joy but it still comes with the weight of the memories of that day and the days leading up to his very early arrival. I think each year that weight lifts just a little - but as I always say - it is part of his journey and I never want to forget the tough times as it is such an amazing reminder of how wonderfully amazing and special our sweet Harper boy is. 

Harper got a special birthday breakfast to start his day. Confetti french toast covered with nutella and strawberries. Then we snapped our annual birthday photo - every year he understands more and more the importance of that picture of him as a newborn in his isolette. He looks at that tiny baby and this year he took a longer moment with himself - almost more than my heart could take. 

Later that morning we headed to the hospital to drop off the goodies. We were so thankful to have seen one of our favorite nurses, Courtney. She was beaming with pride seeing how big and healthy Harper was. 

That evening we celebrated with balloons, presents (his much requested and anticipated Spiderman costume!) and a big slice of cake! Fireworks capped off the evening - the perfect end to a day celebrating our firecracker! 

Harper - you are our miracle and the world is guaranteed to be a better place because you're apart of it. Love you so much! 

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