Saturday, March 7, 2020

Maureen Goes West...Again...

Our annual sales meeting was in Palm Springs, CA last August - yeah - that's right, I said August. I'm not so sure the desert was quite where you want to be in August but alas it's where we all gathered for a few days of meetings, education, amazing food, and yes - a dry heat that felt, well, hot. 

Our resort was beautiful and after seeing those desert mountains earlier in the summer in Phoenix I was actually thrilled to be back surrounded by them. It really is a beautiful landscape out there and the sunrise and sunset skies were magnificent. I found that getting my walks in at 6:00 am (thank you jet lag) made for cooler temps and those amazing sunrises. There was beauty all around and it honestly reminded me quite a bit of Hawaii - shorter flight too. 

Of course the highlight is always being with my team. I just really love this group and I'm thankful everyday I get to work for this company and with these people. We had productive days and fun nights - it's kind of what we're known for. Work hard - play harder. 

One of the nights we had a private 7 course meal that we got to watch the chefs prepare. It was right up my alley and totally delicious. 

To wrap up our meetings we played a fun (& educational!) game of Jeopardy and then we got to spend the rest of our day doing whatever we wanted - that meant the pool for a bunch of us. Kind of the only way to survive the afternoon heat. 

So while the desert in August wouldn't exactly be my first choice - it was a great trip and I look forward to getting together with my team again soon! 

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