Sunday, March 8, 2020

September Birthday Celebrations...part II...

The celebrations continued with Adam's (and my) actual birthday. I made special confetti pancakes for the birthday boy to kick off his day. Always a bummer to have to then go to school (and work.) 

After school it was time for some fun pictures to commemorate Adam turning the big 1-0!!! How he turned 10 still boggles my mind. 

Adam's choice was sushi for dinner - which worked for me too! We went to Ariake which was a fun change - normally we just order in sushi - going out for it is a lot more fun I'll admit. 

Harper loved the miso soup and of course Adam was in sushi heaven! 

Back home it was time for a few gifts - nothing much as he'd already been gifted a brand new bike and Go Pro over the summer - but you can't let the day go by without opening up at least a couple gifts. And of course cake! I may have gone a bit overboard on the sprinkles but this was a milestone birthday (for him, not me!) ;) 

Always happy to spend the day celebrating our oldest - the boy who made us parents - my greatest birthday present. Adam is growing up so so fast but I'm proud of who he is growing up to be - smart, hilarious, caring, interesting, book worm, amazing big brother, handsome, talkative, and did I mention hilarious? Here's to the next decade buddy! 

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