Saturday, February 16, 2019

Happy Halloween!

Even though our house was already filled with candy from our previous "trick-or-treating" adventures there was no way the boys were going to skip participating in the real deal! We even came up with a second round of costumes. A fireman for Harper (with his trusty firehouse dalmatian - Grandma!) and a skeleton for Adam (he's past the age of allowing me to come up with "cute" or "themed" costume ideas...sigh.)

We joined up with the neighborhood kids for a fun night of collecting more candy while the dads hung out on the driveway around a little fire as they passed out treats. Harper of course had to try and put out the fire - he was the fire chief for goodness sake. 

By the end of the night we had more candy than anyone knew what to do with - and some sleepy trick-or-treaters! 

Another successful Halloween in the books...

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