Saturday, February 2, 2019

First day of 4th grade...(& pre-school!)

Wow! What a summer we had! Beach trips, lake trips, camping trips galore, summer camps, boat adventures, fireworks, & snake bites - oh my! Alas, as all summers do, this one had to come to an end - and earlier than usual as school was set to start before Labor Day - boo! 

On the bright side - Adam was really excited for the teacher he got - Mr. T! We had heard good things as Mr. T was a long term sub for Olivia for the last few months of 2nd grade. So Adam was all smiles before the bus came as he headed off to being the 4th grade! 

Harper was also headed off on a new adventure as he would be starting his first day in the pre-school classroom! He was excited and loved having a photo taken on the front porch as well - he just had to get in on the first day of school tradition! 

After school it was all smiles for everyone as the boys reunited at the bus stop. A sign of a fun and successful year ahead for both of our students! :) 

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