Friday, February 1, 2019

Back to Lake Anna...Adam's turn!

We were so happy to scoop Adam up at the exit for Lake Anna off of 95 from Grandma & Grandpa so that he could experience some fun at the lake before it was time for summer to come to a close. Even though it had only been 2 nights since Harper and I had last seen him we were so happy to be reunited - and Andy was extra happy since it had been 8 days since they'd seen one another. 

First on the agenda was tubing! Adam was so excited (and so adventurous!) as he climbed aboard the tube with zero fear! We took him on quite a few joy rides where you could just see his smile beaming and hear his laughter! He was loving it! 

Second best to tubing is helping to drive the boat. Captain Adam was surprisingly good at navigating and keeping us on track. He just looks the part - I know Andy was proud. 

We had a lot of fun "beaching" the boat as well and using the tube to relax on and jump off from. The boys were loving their day on the lake - that's for sure. 

Our first evening with Adam we took a nice boat ride to a pizza place. After our dinner we were graced with a gorgeous moon and night sky. There are few things as magical as being out on the water under the stars. 

Day two was a lot of the same - boating, swimming, tubing - rinse and repeat! We ended our last night of summer break freedom with a boat ride and dinner at Tim's. The boys loved gazing at the fish and guzzling their chocolate milk - a final summer treat! 

I'd say we closed out the summer of 2018 with a bang! 

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