Saturday, December 2, 2017

Virginia Tech the Sequel...Part IV...

We couldn't visit Blacksburg without at least one breakfast at Gilly's - so that's where we started our day. We even walked down Main Street a bit to see some of our old stomping grounds like Sharkeys & Champs. 

This trip we decided to break up our return home as well - towing the camper all the way home on a Sunday makes for a loooooong day and really who wouldn't want one more night at the awesome Walnut Hills KOA? Our trip back to the KOA was a bit different than usual in that I towed the camper - what!? So here's the thing - it's really something I should have done a long time ago - just as a safety measure - always good for both drivers to be able to tow. Now, I'm not sure the drive on 81 from Blacksburg to Staunton would have been my first choice - but this new truck of ours is a beast and it really did just feel like normal driving. Oh, and Andy agreed if I drove we could listen to "Hamilton." 

Upon our safe arrival to the Walnut Hills KOA we realized that the rain we'd "enjoyed" during the game the night before had made it's way north. At first we were all a little bummed we wouldn't get to enjoy the outdoors at the campground but we quickly realized that after a hectic weekend a rain Sunday spent snuggled up inside the camper watching football was just what we needed. 

It was the perfect end to yet another wonderful weekend back home at Virginia Tech. Can't wait to do it all again next season! 

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