Thursday, January 27, 2011

Checking in on resolutions...

We're almost a month into 2011 so I thought I better check in on my resolutions. Hopefully by doing this each month I'll find myself being a little more accountable for what I've already put in writing that I want to accomplish.

*spend more time in the kitchen trying new (and hopefully healthy!) recipes for my family
...I am definitely on track with this one. Between finding ways to sneak veggies into Adam's meals and trying new recipes, I've been spending a lot more time in the kitchen and I'm loving it! Some highlights were our lemon grass chicken and grilled balsamic glazed salmon salad. 

*run at least two races (perhaps a spring 5K and maybe a fall 10k?)
...Well, I haven't run the races, but then it isn't spring or fall yet, so I'm safe! ha

*take better pictures progress

*eliminate the need for a "junk drawer" progress

*refinish the bar in our basement (never been very good at DIY projects)
...I read a lot of blogs about refinishing furniture, does that count?

*take Liddy for more walks, she deserves them
...moderate progress has been made, but to be fair, she doesn't like rain/snow/cold either!

*cut out at least one grocery trip a week which means I need to plan my meals better and hopefully following my first resolution will help

*spend less time at the end of the day focusing on the day I just had at the office and more time focusing on the family

Ok, so not a bad start!

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