Friday, June 5, 2009

Third Trimester

Wow, all of a sudden baby boy and I have moved into the third trimester! Very exciting, but at the same time a little scary! How did the first two go by so fast!? I guess it helped that I was almost 6 weeks pregnant before I found out...oops!

Baby boy has been very active lately--mostly in the morning and right before bed...sign of things to come?! It still makes me stop and pause every time I feel him move, it really is incredible. And I swear if I even for one moment stop and think, gee, I haven't felt him move for awhile, I swear I'll get a little kick, like he's just letting me know everything's ok. I hope he's always this cooperative! :)

I worry that I may jinx some things by mentioning the following, but I also think it is good for me to document this process, so I'll take my chances. I am amazed thus far at how great I've felt. It seems the first question everyone always wants to ask is "well how have you been feeling?" I just have to keep saying "Great!" I wonder if anyone really believes me? But I swear it's true.

Baby boy has been a great little tenant. Aside from the occasional pain in my back, and a somewhat itchy tummy, I really can't complain. I mean come on, he helped me get a hole in one!

I know it will start to get a little harder in this last trimester, but I think we're ready for it. I know that bending over to tee my ball up is going to become more challenging, but Andy has already offered to be my caddy! I might also add that Andy has been fantastic throughout these first 27 weeks--offering to rub my back, taking Liddy out almost 100% of the time, buying me ice cream, indulging my desire to "ooh" and "aah" over all the cute baby clothes, and just being supportive all around. Baby boy and I are lucky to have him around! :)

So here we go baby boy, let's rock this third trimester!


RipleyVT said...

I can't believe you're in the 3rd trimester already!!! Just means he's coming soon!!!! I can't wait to meet my nephew!!

washington dc photographer said...

Give me an A - a ( yes - no?)
Give me a B -b ( yes - no?)
Give me a C -c ( yes - no?)
Give me a D -d ( yes - no?)
Give me a E -e ( yes - no?)

Any clues at all?