Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My dear friend Alissa...

Last night I met my very good friend Alissa for dinner. It had been three years (boy time flies) since we'd seen one another, but from the minute we started chatting it was as if we simply picked up where we had left off. I suppose that's how it is with really good friends.

Here (in no particular order) is a small list of my favorite "Alissa" memories:

1. Sharing our love of volleyball--we went to four camps together and while I could never understand how she could go without knee pads, she was one of my favorite people to play with--even if we did crash into one another on occasion!
2. Our shared obsession with "jellies" from Old Navy. I believe between the two of us we owned every color they made...wonder if they'll make another come back? (Let's hope not)
3. Her Christmas Eve birthday
4. Our shared appreciation for the songs "Shoebox" and "Go Go Go Joseph"
5. Skiing at Wintergreen and White Tail together.
6. Our mutual excitement over the annual sale at Nordstrom--ahh discounted Doc Martins, what a find!
7. Getting to attend both her Bat Mitzvah and her confirmation. I love that I got to learn about her religion and that I was able to share in those special moments with her.
8. Her mom. I miss her greatly and will always remember the lessons I learned from her about tolerance and being open minded, aware and respectful of the differences in others. She was an amazing woman and while she might not always like to admit it, I see a great deal of her in Alissa.

I hope we don't go another three years before seeing one another again, but regardless of how often we see one another, I'm very fortunate to have such great memories that I've shared with a truly great friend.

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