Saturday, August 4, 2018

OBX Day 7...Our last day...

We made the most of our last day at the beach starting with a little ropes course action for Adam and Andy. It turns out it wasn't quite all it was cracked up to be but we're blaming that on the fact that they let way too many people on at the same time. Regardless they had some fun working their way through the obstacles on the bottom and then we went in and got a refund after that - so not a total loss. 

Then it was back to the beach where we made one last ditch effort to get Harper acquainted with the ocean. He was still not having any of it - haha - but I still stand by my view that it's a-ok if he wants to be scared of the ocean - remember all that relaxing we did all week because he wasn't wanting to go in the water the whole time!? (PS - that is not the kind of toddler Adam was - he was all about being in the water - that was tiring) 

While Harper napped Andy took Adam on another adventure - this time to go jet skiing!! They both came back with huge grins on their faces - a success for sure. 

As our day started to wind down we did some packing up and then got ready to go out to our favorite pizza spot - Lisa's Pizza. Always something we look forward to on our last night. We picked up ice cream on our way home - "brown" for Harper and mint chocolate chip for Adam. Then we made them run around to burn off some of that sugar!!

Once Harper was in bed it was time to really get packed up and we also did about 5 loads of laundry - Adam was a big help so he got to use some of our leftover quarters at the arcade in the campground clubhouse. 

I'd say we made the most of our last day. What a great week in the Outer Banks! 

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