Thursday, March 11, 2010


This weather has been so fantastic the past few days and we've definitely been taking advantage of it. We've been taking lots of walks (which Liddy loves) and spending lots of time on our deck. We even took Adam to the playground for his first swing experience! :)

He LOVED it! He just thought it was the coolest thing, and giggled when he would get closer to us, then further away, then closer, then further away...well, you get it.

I'd say pushing your son in the swing at the park is a rite of passage...and boy did it feel good! :)


RipleyVT said...

Awwww!!!! Cutie pants!!!!! LOVE that smile!!!! Can't get enough of it!

Lee said...

That's about as good as life can get!

Erica said...

Mo, you look great in that photo. Bikram is definitely paying off!