Monday, March 8, 2010

Boys' day out...

Saturday, while the girls were "showering", Andy, Poppy, Adam and Liddy headed to Old Town for the annual St. Patty's Day parade.

Andy and Poppy enjoyed a few pints as they watched the parade and Adam got to take in all the sites. I'm sure that Liddy was loving being out and about as this snowy winter has put a damper on her walks.

Afterwards they headed home and started smoking a pork shoulder (what better way for three boys to spend a Saturday afternoon?!) As a birthday present, Andy's parents had bought him a heat lamp. They set that up and were able to spend the afternoon, comfortably, on the deck.

When I got home, that's exactly where I found them and I even got to enjoy a glass of wine on the deck. Ah spring, you can't get here soon enough!!

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