Saturday, January 18, 2020

Back to Lake Anna...

It may have been the hottest weekend of the whole summer but we were lucky to spend it camping at Lake Anna. We got to borrow Mark and Bebe's boat which meant we spent those sweltering hot days out on the water. Our campsite was pretty shaded which was also helpful. 

Adam and Harper got pretty accustomed to riding on the boat and just jumping off the boat into the water. Lake Anna really is the best for just throwing out the anchor, grabbing a cold beverage and just floating in the water - yacht rock playing in the background. 

Sadie, it turns out, is quite the boat dog. She loved having the wind in her face and was happiest when we found a little beach to spend a morning at - she just ran in and out of the water - you could practically see the smile on her face. Knowing Lake Anna had been one of Liddy's favorite places made it all the more special - we thought of her often on that trip. 

Few things are as fun as getting to take a boat to grab a post-dinner ice cream - so we were sure to do that one evening. The moon was amazing and helped to guide us on our ride.  

Tubing was on Adam's to-do list and he did great! For as much as we tried we couldn't toss him from that tube - he is a pro - or maybe we were being too easy on him. 

Lake Anna never disappoints - well, you know, so long as the snakes keep their distance! 

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