Saturday, January 25, 2020

Apple Picking at Lake Pontusak...

We had one dreary and cool day during our trip to Lake Pontusak but it gave us the perfect opportunity to check out a local apple orchard and winery - I've always got a pretty solid case of fall fever come August so this was scratching that itch for sure. 

The boys loved picking the apples and then got to enjoy apple cider donuts as Andy and I did a wine tasting. We then enjoyed some wine and apples and struck up some good conversation with a couple from Rhode Island who are big campers - we were even able to give them some suggestions of places to stay in Virginia which was on their destination list for their next trip. 

Of course now we needed to figure out what to do with all those apples so it was into the kitchen for Chef Harper and myself. Apple dumplings were suggested by a friend of mine who saw our haul on Instagram - a short cut recipe that was perfect for Harper to make. Was a fun way to spend a rainy day at the lake for sure. 

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