Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Day for Nate...

A dear friend and colleague of mine lost her son, Nate, just a few days after he was born. She has since gone on to have another child, a beautiful healthy baby boy, and he's thriving and brings their family such joy. That said they have asked that on Jake's birthday each year that everyone who knows them participate in "A Day for Nate." A day to give back in someway either through some community service or acts of charity and to think about Nate and his family while doing so. So I discussed this with the boys and suggested maybe we could bring some kind of goodies to our local fire station. Harper immediately chimed in and proclaimed that ice cream sundaes would be best! So, that's what we did. We gathered up lots of ice cream flavors and toppings galore and it was off to the fire house. 

They were so appreciative and we made sure they knew about Nate and his family. They were touched that we would choose them to receive our "A Day for Nate" act of kindness. Harper then got a personal tour of the fire house and even go to sit up in one of the big trucks. 

I can't imagine the incredible sadness my friend experienced but knowing each year on his birthday we can fill up the day with stories of service and kindness all in the name of Nate I know means the world. 

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