Sunday, June 5, 2016

"How Does Your Garden Grow" starring Adam...

The 1st Grade musical was a few weeks ago and it was pretty much adorable. I sadly had to miss Adam's kindergarten play, so I was so happy that I was home for this one. The musical was "How Does Your Garden Grow" and Adam played Herb the Gardner (the "h" is silent you know?! - a line they sang several times, ha). 

The musical numbers included "The Garden Hoedown," "Planting Seeds," "Weeds Rule," & of course, "How Does Your Garden Grow?" The lyrics to that title song brought a few tears - I'm not going to lie. Hearing these smart, adorable, sassy & grown up 1st graders sing "Will you give every seed all the love that it needs to become the best that it can be? Will you care that each one has its day in the sun, and can grow in a world of harmony?" was almost too much to handle. They are all growing up so fast - especially our Herb the Gardner - wow - is he really almost a 2nd grader!? 

A spectacular performance and I'm already looking forward to seeing what these talented kiddos will have in store for us next year! 

Bravo Adam & the rest of the Aldrin 1st graders! 

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