Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Spring Break...Williamsburg...

Our spring break adventure would not be complete without a visit to the Williamsburg KOA! This year Uncle Mark, Aunt Kathleen, Olivia & Holly joined us. We had a lot of fun enjoying all that the campground had to offer - and with warm weather - it offered a lot! The kids did a ton of swimming, bike riding, basketball playing, jumping pillow jumping, park playing and enjoying lots of 'smores!

We also made a big family visit to Busch Gardens. Mark had been talking about this part of the trip for months - seriously - months! He vowed to ride some of the coasters and within 4 minutes of entering the park, Adam had him convinced (or bullied!?) to ride Loch Ness Monster!! Kathleen and I sat behind them and I'll say it was thoroughly entertaining. Good job Mark - way to conquer your fears!

It was definitely fun to have a whole group of us as it meant we got to all take turns riding together on big coasters and also enjoying watching Harper on his rides. This year he was big enough for the bumper cars and boy did he rock those - he was driving like a maniac - as you're supposed to do - and did it three times in a row before we finally convinced him to move on.

This was just the start - we still had Easter to celebrate! 

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