Monday, November 23, 2015

Harper's Story...Home Sweet Home...

Coming home from the hospital on September 6 without Harper was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I think at the time the adrenaline and shock was still in place so it didn't really hit me until later that night that I had given birth and yet there wasn't a baby at home with us. And for 60 more days I'd come home from the hospital without my baby. However on November 5, Harper's two month birth, we finally got to leave the hospital with our baby boy and that was probably the greatest feeling in the world. 

Harper could finally feel the sun on his cheeks, take in some fresh air, and live life without wires or alarms and best of all, with his family in his home. 

It was a beautiful and unseasonably warm day which meant we were able to give him lots of fresh air as we waited at the bus stop for big brother to get home from school. Adam couldn't have been happier to see his little brother waiting for him and he couldn't wait to get Harper in his arms. A sweet moment we'll always cherish. 

The next few days were spent holding Harper as much as possible - no one wanted to put him down or give him up - let's face it, we had two months of snuggle time to make up for. Harper certainly didn't mind and I think he enjoyed getting to see his colorful and cozy nursery and he enjoyed meeting his four legged siblings as well who seemed very interested and curious - but sweet and gentle as we knew they would be. 

What a long road it was but knowing it led us here - a family of four with two adorable pups - I'd travel that road every single time. 

Welcome home Andrew Harper - stay awhile won't you? 

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