Thursday, August 15, 2019

OBX 2019 Edition...Part I...

Well here we were again - packing up for our annual trip to the Outer Banks. Camper - check! Golf cart - check! Bikes - check! Boogie boards - check! Fire pit - check! Every. Other. Thing. Imaginable - check! I always laugh thinking what our neighbors must think of us as we spend two days loading everything up - but that's the camping life I suppose - want to be prepared for everything.

As per usual we did a pit stop two night stay at the Williamsburg KOA. We had our favorite site this time. We read, swam, enjoyed campfires, and of course lots of time spent at the jumping pillow and park. 

Adam and I ventured off to Busch Gardens on the Friday and had a great time riding all the rides - many multiple times due to small lines - and it was just a great Adam and Mom day. 

From there it was time to pack back up and head to the beach! 

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