Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Exploring Roosevelt Island...

After a failed attempt to take the boys to the National Zoo one beautiful Sunday this summer (we arrived an hour too late and the parking was all full) we decided to make lemonade out of lemons and went and explored Roosevelt Island instead. I remembered going there for picnic lunches during school field trips to DC and had always had it in mind as a fun family destination. 

We first did a walk around the perimeter of the island and enjoyed taking in the views of the Potomac. Adam had fun climbing up on rocks and skipping rocks on the water. Harper just endured the bumpy stroller ride - guess it wasn't exactly a stroller friendly walk - lesson learned for next time. 

After we finished walking around the island we found the memorial section which is what I remembered from my previous visits there. They boys ran around and checked out the various fountains and little bridges. We read about Teddy Roosevelt and were reminded of how grateful we are to him especially for establishing our National Parks. 

We then enjoyed a picnic lunch - just like I had done in that same spot many (many!) moons ago.

Happy boys after a fun day exploring our backyard! 

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