Friday, November 3, 2017

Fall camping at Bull Run...

After our sunny and hot weekend in Blacksburg we were excited to learn that the next weekend's weather was going to be much more "fall like" so we booked a site at Bull Run to enjoy some fall camping - which is probably the best kind of camping there is! 

The weather did not disappoint. We had chilly nights spent by the fire and cool enough days to require long sleeves - perfection. We spent lots of time riding bikes, going for walks, and just enjoying the fire. Adam was MIA for much of the weekend as he spent so much time at the park making new friends. 

We did venture out of the campground to attend the NICU Reunion - they held it at the elementary school across from Fair Oaks Hospital and while we didn't stay long it was fun to bump into a few of his nurses and also we got to catch up with one of his doctors. 

Back a the campground the dogs had so much fun running around in the leaves - they even had an extra buddy as my sister and her pup Holly joined us. 

The main event was watching Virginia Tech take on Clemson. While we didn't get the victory we still enjoyed cheering them on and you really can't beat watching football in the woods beside a campfire. 

Though mostly it was just a great weekend spent with family in the woods - I know when Adam and Harper are grown up we'll miss these moments so we're soaking them all in while we can. 

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