Wednesday, April 3, 2013

St. Patty's Day fun...

Once again the presence of little ones has proven to greatly enhance a somewhat mid-level holiday.  Sure St. Patty's Day has seen it's share of big celebrations, a few in college and then those right out of college years where we were still pretending like we were in college, but lately its really just been another day with an excuse to eat corned beef and cabbage and wear green.  

However this year we jazzed the day up a bit by getting the kids involved.  Adam was adamant that everyone wear green - even making Grandma change her shirt - and was thrilled to find himself drinking GREEN milk for dinner! 

We also set up a St. Patty's Day after nap activity and I'd say the kids nailed it!  What adorable rainbows they made and I'd like to think these sweet angles are our proverbial "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow. 

Lucky...yep, that's what we are. 

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