It was so great to spend the holiday at Wintergreen (where I've spent all but three Thanksgivings) and to have both Adam and Olivia there to celebrate with us! There's something about having the whole family in one house together, staying up late reminiscing and waking up early (thanks to the kiddos) and enjoying coffee together in our pjs (some nicer than others, wink wink)! ;)
Of course one of my favorite parts of the day is the parade. I still get chills when I hear "Let's have a parade!" though sadly Adam didn't quite share in my excitement. He was too busy being a toddler I suppose, ha! There's always next year!
Aside from parade watching and lots of food making, we did take some time to get the whole family outdoors for a bit. We headed back to the park and while it was a little chilly, we all enjoyed getting out of the house for a bit. Not to mention it made coming back into the turkey smelling house that much better! :)