Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blizzard of 2010

Well, the weather folks (and the groundhog for that matter) were right about this one!! We've had probably about 20 inches or so at our house, and the snow is still falling!

Last night, Andy cooked up some homemade spaghetti and meatballs (thanks again for the sauce recipe Leesh!) and we spent a lot of time cuddling up and playing Wii Fit!

Today, Andy and I have taken turns shoveling, a futile effort as the snow keeps covering up our hard work!

Once Adam was down for a nap (which, by the way, hooray that we've finally gotten him taking proper naps-success!) we both bundled up and found ourselves playing in the snow with Liddy like we were kids again! It was so much fun and frankly, a pretty good work out as that snow is so deep!! Liddy also enjoyed herself, however by the end she looked like she had casts on her legs!! Here's evidence:

1 comment:

RipleyVT said...

First, nice pot!! Love that Adam is smiling with you in that picture, and Liddy's poor legs....that's hilarious!