Sunday, November 15, 2020

Chicago...for a day...

 I had an opportunity last fall to attend the Influential Women in Manufacturing awards luncheon in none other than Chicago, IL. Being a lunch event I was able to book a flight that got me there in time and got me home the same day. It was kind of the whirlwind trip I've always secretly fancied - and was happy to have a chance to experience. 

This awards luncheon was somethin I really wanted to attend. I know some of these women - especially those who were putting it on - and in my role in my job and on the board of directors for which I serve - I felt I owed it to these amazing women to show up, support them and most importantly, cheer them on. 

I had some time between when I landed and when the lunch started so I hopped an Uber from O'Hare down to Millennium Park so I could finally check out The Bean. I've been to Chicago a few times but that never made the to-do list. It was really cool and honestly - it's just a fantastic city I could spend all day walking around. I meandered about, grabbed some coffee, snapped some pics, and before long it was time to head to the event. 

The luncheon was held at MxD - a super innovative facility where companies can lease space, teams, technology, etc. to help improve manufacturing innovation at their facilities. Having toured plants and facilities for the last 14 years of my career - I can attest that having a space like this to innovate - and test/prove that innovation - is HUGE. It was really cool to see. 

Of course the best part of the day was hearing about these amazing women whom had won these awards. They are truly exceptional - pushing boundaries (that probably shouldn't be there) and rising above to provide their organizations with the leadership, creativity, and innovation their organizations need to stay competitive & reliable. Was so proud to be there to applaud them in person. 

It's never lost on me how lucky I am to have a job that is supportive not only of my customers and colleagues, but of my ambition, interests, and goals. A whirlwind of a trip - but one I'll remember for a lifetime. 

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