Friday, January 25, 2019

Myrtle Beach...Beach'in it!

We spent pretty much all day, each day, on the beach. We had perfect weather and lots of beach to dig, build, play frisbee, walk (or hobble still as I was doing), play corn hole, and of course - relax. 

Harper was much more adventurous during this beach trip when it came to the ocean. It started with the tidal pools and ended with him having no issue running into and out of the surf - he napped well. 

Adam of course is our ocean lover - he spent hours jumping the waves, boogie boarding, and also running in and out. Unfortunately he did end up with two jelly fish stings - but I tell you what, that boy has no fear - it was right back in the next day no issue! 

There really are few things in life as enjoyable as a day (or week!) spent on the sand. 

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