Friday, January 25, 2019

Myrtle Beach ... Harper takes flight!

Last August (ok, ok, I know, I'm way behind!) Adam was all set to head to Myrtle Beach with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Mark, Aunt Kathleen & Olivia. Once Harper got wind he begged me to go as well - and who am I to turn down a fun trip to the beach? (Ok, so Harper didn't really beg, but I used miles to get us flights down there so we could partake in the fun!) 

Harper wasn't quite as happy at first about the idea of going on an airplane - "they go too high in the sky!" he would say. Uh oh. So we spent the month leading up to our trip talking about how much fun it is to fly and all the airplanes he'd see at the airport, etc. When it was time to go - he was so excited! 

Of course, my snake bite put a slight damper on things. I wasn't sure at first if we'd be able to go considering 4 days before our trip I was still unable to walk. Luckily the next day I woke up and the swelling had subsided quite a bit and I could finally put pressure on it to hobble around. By departure day I was moving a little better but Andy still arranged for a wheel chair for me at the airport - slightly embarrassing but getting to terminal A is no joke so it was totally necessary. 

We enjoyed a nice little breakfast near our gate and then it was time to board! Harper was practically strutting - already wearing the wings he received from the super nice guy at the ticketing counter - and he walked on that plane like he owned it. His eyes were wide and we were ready to take flight! 

The iPad garnered most of his attention during our short 55 minute flight but he definitely paused to enjoy the complimentary beverage service and cookies he received. After a smooth landing we waited for everyone else to deplane before we made our exit and upon seeing him, the pilots immediately greeted Harper and even offered him to sit in one of the jump seats - what?! Unfortunately Harper was a bit shy and turned down the offer - I kind of wished I could have done it instead - ha!

Once we were in the airport we were greeted by Grandpa who had come to pick us up (I was supposed to rent a car, but you know, snake bite) - Harper went running to him like it had been years since they'd seen each other! 

I'd say this was a slightly less chaotic adventure than when Adam earned his wings. (Remember this? I know I do!) 

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