Thursday, April 4, 2019

Happy 13th birthday Liddy!!

Oh sweet Liddy Poppins how we love you so. We celebrated her 13th birthday in November and still can't believe it. While she can still act like a puppy at times she definitely is showing her age more and more and I promise you no one is taking our time with her for granted. She's still the best little lap dog who snuggles up with whomever is sitting on the couch - just ask Grandpa who had a Liddy shaped imprint on his leg after Thanksgiving. We had a fun time celebrating her with party hats and of course Liddy Cakes...

Here's to another trip around the sun little poppins puddin head - we promise to let you swim, chase tennis balls, romp around the woods with Sadie, snuggle on our laps, sneak you treats, let you lick the peanut butter spoon, and give you all our love! XO 

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